Press Releases

TRC National Conflict Mapping Report Release Monday

The dessemination program of the National Conflict Mapping Research report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Liberia (TRC) will be held Monday at the Monrovia City of Hall in Monrovia.

In fulfillment of its mandate, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) with support from the European Commission (EC) recently completed a National Conflict Mapping Survey to identify looming conflict issues across Liberia which have the potential to threaten long term peace and stability and to recommend policy and program options to address key conflict issues.

The survey which was conducted in 75 percent of the administrative districts in the 15 counties from April to July 2008 was followed by series of consultations held with senior government officials, civil society organizations, members of the traditional councils and other political leaders.

During Monday's disemmination program, the European Commission through its consultants would present the report of the findings and recommendations for comments, endorsement and as well as determine strategies for taking the recommendations forward.

The occassion will be characterized by two distinct but interrelated sessions with President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf making special statements at the official opening session including statement of appreciation to EC for the level of support towards the work of the commission. The second part of the session will consider discussions and comments on the report by other invited guests.

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This had been the official website of the Liberian TRC. The Commission ended operation
in 2010. This website is maintained by the Georgia Institute of Technology.