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The Third day of the TRC Public Hearings Proceedings held on Wednesday February 20, 2008 at the Barclayville Central High School auditorium, Grand Kru County. The Hearings session started with the Commissioners of the TRC being ushered into their seats followed by a welcome remarks form the Chairman of the TRC Cllr. Jerome Verdier, who then called on the Hearings Officer Pastor John Teayah to invite the first Primary Witness to give his testimony.
Twentieth Primary Witnesses of the TRC Public Hearings in Barclayville Grand Kru County Helena Saydee (First Primary Witness of day three)
The First Primary Witness of the day was called to the stand and she was accompanied by the psychosocial officer and the protections officer of the TRC. The Primary Witness was then sworn to tell the truth and nothing but the truth by the TRC Hearings Officer.
Chairman: good afternoon, you are welcome to the TRC to give your statement. The Commissioners and the people of the county are all here to listen to you. What is you name again?
What is your name again?
Primary Witness: Helena Saydee:
Where do you live?
Primary Witness: I live Behwan.
When were you born?
Primary Witness: I was born in 1974.
Are you married?
Primary Witness: No going to school.
Primary Witness: Okay, in this war, the one that happen .is when the rebels enter to our place Behwan, some of us living down the valley went up so after they pass, we went to the barracks. When they came back to me now, they starting asking me said that, someone told us that you are making market. So let go and bring the market out. I told them no, I was not making market and they said if we open the door and see market there, what we should do with you? I told them I even get my own door key. At time they forced me and took my key from me and took all my market and carry home. Then after they packed the thing, that's how they carry me outside. They said since you say you get nothing, we will make you so you will show your make to people .They told me to open my legs. After opening my legs, they started firing in my legs and some of it went in my flesh. And after they did that, I was afraid that is how I went in the bush.
Questions from the Commissioners
Chairman: When did the rebel come? What year.
Primary Witness: 2003
How many of them grab you?
Primary Witness: They were plenty, but more then ten.
Do you know the name of the man who was heading them?
Primary Witness: The name is Chae wolo
Commissioner Stewart: You say this happen in 2003?
Primary Witness: Yes.
Do you know the month?
Primary Witness: Yes, on September 5.
Which county?
Primary Witness: Belown
Where you the only one that this happen to?
Primary Witness: They went to other people before they reached me.
Did this happen to any other person?
Primary Witness: Well, I was not there again so I don't know what happen.
Did they burn any house in the town?
Primary Witness: No.
Did they kill any one in the t own?
Primary Witness: Yes, one papie called Peter Toe.
Was he the only one they killed in the town?
Primary Witness: Yes
Why they killed him?
Primary Witness: I don't know, I was not in the town again.
Did they force any young girls in the town?
Primary Witness: No.
Did they force any young boys to join them?
Primary Witness: No, they did not force them.
But they take some young boys to join them?
Primary Witness: Yes.
How old?
Primary Witness: Some are between 15years, they use to help to carry load as small soldiers.
You said they looted your things
Primary Witness: Yes.
They looted other people things too?
Primary Witness: Is my own I know of.
They beat any one?
Primary Witness: yes
Where other people there with you?
Primary Witness: Yes, my mother was in the house because she was afraid, and she went in the bush.
Do you have children?
Primary Witness: Yes.
Do you have Children?
Primary Witness: Yes, I get two children.
You had children at time?
Primary Witness: Yes
Were they living with you?
Primary Witness: Well, they were in the village
How long they did stay in the village?
Primary Witness: Well, only one day
Commissioner Washington. You said the head of this Model people who short you his name was Chae?
Primary Witness: yes
Do you know the name of any of those new name of model group you met in the town ?
Primary Witness: Yes I know one person name, One rebel King.
You said the group stayed long in town?
Primary Witness: Yes
What are some of the thing they were doing in town tell us a little bite?
Primary Witness: when they shot me I could not go far away in the bush.
Where they hurt you, were they able to take the bullet out?
Primary Witness: Yes
Can you show us what exactly the mean place they bullet entered?
Primary Witness: Yes, in my leg.
How is the tithe now?
Primary Witness: Is much battle now. Only at times it can hurt me.
Commissioner Dolopei: So the man who was leading the group, from Grand Kru is he from Maryland?
Primary Witness: No, he is a Krahn man.
So what was he base?
Primary Witness: He was base in this county, Grand Sass.
You say the mark is on your foot?
Primary Witness: Yes,
I want to see it after here.
Chairman: Is your foot alright now?
Primary Witness: Yes, alright little bite.
Did the bullet go in the flesh or is only the mark there?
Primary Witness: No, it just went in the flesh and it steak there.
Is there any thing you want to say?
Primary Witness: Yes, I thank the TRC to make our heart to come down. Because for me I did not want to come here because when I think about the thing them it hurt my feelings, some times I carried some burden but I will say no, but again I will say let that thing move from out off me .God will not come from up to talk to me, when my friend human being talked to me than I will feel good.
Twenty-First Primary Witnesses of the TRC Public Hearings in Barclayville Grand Kru County Victoria Blidee Wreh (Second Primary Witness of day three)
The Second Primary Witness of the day was called to the stand and she was accompanied by the psychosocial officer and the protections officer of the TRC. The Primary Witness was then sworn to tell the truth and nothing but the truth by the TRC Hearings Officer.
Chairman: good afternoon, you are welcome to the TRC to give your statement. The Commissioners and the people of the county are all here to listen to you.
What is you name once again
Primary Witness: I am Victoria Blidee Wreh
When were you born?
Primary Witness: I was born in 1974,
What are doing now?
Primary Witness: I am doing Nothing, I am making farm
Where are you living now?
Primary Witness: I am living in Barclayville
Primary Witness: General Toe and all those his boys were the one that killed my brother, mother and father, that war killed my people.
Chairman: The brother that you mentioned, was he your small brother or big brother
Primary Witness: I was the big sister, (my small brother)
Where were you when they killed your brother, mother and father where you there?
Primary Witness: No, I ran away, but the people who came behind me told me that they killed my brother, mother and father.
Do you have children?
Primary Witness: Yes
Who is helping you with the children?
Primary Witness: My husband and my sister.
Commissioner Steward: which of the group killed your people?
Primary Witness: General Toe People
Where were your people killed?
Primary Witness: They were in the Sass town
How many days you stay in the bush?
Primary Witness: Over one week
Do you know where they killed your people?
Primary Witness: In the town
Did they kill other people?
Primary Witness: Yes
Did they carried man and woman
Primary Witness: Yes
Did they tabbay others?
Primary Witness: Yes
Did they loot from people?
Primary Witness: Yes
Did they take any thing from you?
Primary Witness: No.
Commissioner Washington: sorry for what happened to you that you have told us. So you get your people still here, do you have any other family?
Primary Witness: no
That all your people they killed?
Primary Witness: Yes
Sorry for what happen to you, where were you when it happen
Primary Witness: In Sass town
Commissioner Dolopei: Sorry for what had happened to you. Sorry for the death of your people
Commissioner Syllah: Sorry you hear,
Primary Witness: Yes
Find it hard in your mind to forgive those people that killed your people
Primary Witness: Yes,
Don't be scare because you are here, nobody will do anything to you here, because I see you trembling. Feel free, you hear.
Commissioner Coleman: Sorry for what had happened to your people. You hear. What happened to you happened to many of us during the war but you see God has blessed you with whole 7 children. You have to bring them up as a mother. Thank you Were you married at the time?
Primary Witness: No
Who was helping you?
Primary Witness: Myself
How were you taken care of yourself?
Primary Witness: Doing nothing
Thank you for sharing the story with us
Chairman: Thank you for coming to TRC. Many other people want to come to TRC but they live far off, they can not come like you. But God had blessed you to come to the TRC to tell us what happened to you in the war.
Does any body console you?
Primary Witness: Yes
Where are your children?
Primary Witness: They are here with me
When were they born?
Primary Witness: The first born 1994
When do they attack your place?
Primary Witness: The attack was in 1995
Primary Witness: The other children were born as follows: 2nd 1996, 3rd 1997, and 4th 1999
What are the names of your children?
Primary Witness: First one Abitha Wreh
Who are you with now?
Primary Witness: With my Current husband
What are names of the other children? 2nd Josephine, 3rd Rodiah Saplah, 4th Jestina, 5th Victoria, 6th Junior 7th Rebecca
Do you have any thing want tell us before you go? Don't be afraid.
Primary Witness: I want for you to help me live good and better
Chairman: We heard you that why we came here to see what to do to help you and other people that these things happened to. After our report have being given to the Government. And they will see what to. But we say sorry, you hear.
Commissioner Bull: You did well and the way you sit and talk this to us. Ask for family planning too.
Twenty-Second Primary Witnesses of the TRC Public Hearings in Barclayville Grand Kru County Jackson Wleh Wiah (Third Primary Witness of day three)
The Third Primary Witness of the day was called to the stand and he was accompanied by the psychosocial officer and the protections officer of the TRC. The Primary Witness was then sworn to tell the truth and nothing but the truth by the TRC Hearings Officer.
Chairman: good afternoon, you are welcome to the TRC to give your statement. The Commissioners and the people of the county are all here to listen to you. What is you name again?
Where are you from?
Primary Witness: Sass Town
When were you born?
Primary Witness: 1965
What are you doing for a living?
Primary Witness: I am a Farmer
Chairman: Thanks for coming everything you say to us here we will use it to understand the war and find a solution we appreciate your coming.
Primary Witness: That before I was a business man but 1994 we here there when we go look LPC enter our place they looted whatsoever I was having including that my brother and my uncle so after they enter we ran in the bush when we come in town everything was gone away, because the things were plenty they could not carry all so the balance one we put it together. One Bolo Wean, my brother saw his goods with him and said that the goods were for him then we were having some then when NPFL came back again the took it and arrested us say that our uncle brought the rebels in the town they charges us to bring $10,000 LD we say we don't have money, for the women them they say the different people children but for us they say that our uncle brought the rebels so we told that they should take the balance goods that were there and they agree so we were freed.
When they went back, LPC came and gain and tied my uncle they tie his two hands and two feet put mortal pencil so and so and told him to bring all that he had so that what I know about the war they also took all my things and burnt my house
Questions from the Commissioners:
Chairman: What kinds of goods you had?
Primary Witness: Dry goods.
When was the second time LPC came?
Primary Witness: The same year and the same month
Commissioner Stewart: you said you were a businessman?
Primary Witness: Yes
In NPFL area?
Primary Witness: Yes
They use to hamper you?
Primary Witness: We use to manage it
They use take your good and not pay it?
Primary Witness: No until the time they arrested us one-one time they use take it without paying the one they want they use to take.
How you use to get your goods?
Primary Witness: From Ivory Coast
That NPFL burnt my house?
Primary Witness: Yes they say because that my uncle brought the LPC.
When LPC came did they kill any one in your town?
Primary Witness: Yes one Kiah.
What they kill him for?
Primary Witness: That war now no body knows.
They took things from other people as well?
Primary Witness: That one I can't talk about that. For I was in the bush I was afraid of LPC and NPFL so I was in between.
Who was in control of LPC?
Primary Witness: I was not know
Who was in control of NPFL?
Primary Witness: Gen. Toe
He said that your uncle brought the rebels in?
Primary Witness: No that Paul Doe said that.
So what they did to your uncle?
Primary Witness: LPC carry him
When you give them your goods they did any thing to you?
Primary Witness: No they say we were free
Commissioner Syllah: where is your uncle now?
Primary Witness: He is in Sinoe County
His family there with him?
Primary Witness: Yes every one of them are there.
Chairman: is there any value attached to your goods in term of dollars the worth?
Chairman: It was 6,000 worth of goods in USD
Primary Witness: Last word: I thank that you people re here I want you people to try for me I still in the pain I not recovered I still in the struggle that's why I got in farming I want to do my business no one to help me, and my house too is no more now I live in thatch
Twenty-Third Primary Witnesses of the TRC Public Hearings in Barclayville Grand Kru County Augustine G. Nyanfor (Forth Primary Witness of day three)
The Forth Primary Witness of the day was called to the stand and he was accompanied by the psychosocial officer and the protections officer of the TRC. The Primary Witness was then sworn to tell the truth and nothing but the truth by the TRC Hearings Officer.
Chairman: good afternoon, you are welcome to the TRC to give your statement. The Commissioners and the people of the county are all here to listen to you. What is you name again?
Where are you from?
Primary Witness: Sass town
When were you born?
Primary Witness: 1929
What do you do?
Primary Witness: I am a Farmer
Primary Witness: During the war the first troop came LPC we ran in the bush in 1995, then the Toe war came we escaped in the bush again but Gen. Toe war my three persons died in it Anthony Nyanfoe Doe, Francis Wleh and Jewlehgbah. So that what happened to me but we ourselves we keep ourselves in the bush until the war finish then we came in town.
Questions from the Commissioners:
Chairman: Please accept our sympathy, how you were related to those that died?
Primary Witness: Nyanfor and I were from one father one mother.
The rest two...?
Primary Witness: We were cousins.
When was Gen. Toe war?
Primary Witness: It was when he came to fight the Sass town people that - that time.
What faction he was with?
Primary Witness: NPFL the Charles Taylor people
So the Sass town people had their defense force too?
Primary Witness: Yes the fight was between Paul Doe and Gen. Toe they were with the same forces but different groups.
When was that?
Primary Witness: I think it must be 1996, I can't really remember the year.
Commissioner Konneh: what was the treatment of the NPFL toward the civilian population?
Primary Witness: They were treating us bad way the say way, they will enter your house and take something or beat you and take something.
What brought the war between Paul Doe and Gen. Toe?
Primary Witness: You can't say anything this other person say this and the other say this so you can't blame any of them.
How you people became part of that war?
Primary Witness: They came and carry every body, chief that what happened.
Where is Toe coming from?
Primary Witness: He from Grand Cess.
Where Doe coming from?
Primary Witness: From Sass town
Were you people supporting Doe against Toe
Primary Witness: We not supporting town of them because they were together
Some of your people will kill in that war?
Primary Witness: Yes.
Can you remember some of them?
Primary Witness: Yes civilians die inside
Chairman: thanks very much we express our sympathy to you for the lost of your relatives and lease extend our sympathy to the town people this is why the government put us together to look into these things.
Primary Witness: Last word: I just say thinks for you people coming for coming to listen to our problem on our minds your thanks to you.
Twenty-Forth Primary Witnesses of the TRC Public Hearings in Barclayville Grand Kru County Jeremiah Slehn Nagbe (Fifth Primary Witness of day three)
The Fifth Primary Witness of the day was called to the stand and he was accompanied by the psychosocial officer and the protections officer of the TRC. The Primary Witness was then sworn to tell the truth and nothing but the truth by the TRC Hearings Officer.
Chairman: good afternoon, you are welcome to the TRC to give your statement. The Commissioners and the people of the county are all here to listen to you. What is you name again?
Where are you from?
Primary Witness: Sass town
When were you born?
Primary Witness: 1933
What do you do for a living?
Primary Witness: Farmer/hunter
Chairman: want to tell you thanks for coming to share your valuable exp with the commission that the Liberian people without your participation it would difficult and if not impossible for us to understand what happened in our county this is why appreciate you coming.
Primary Witness: I thank you, the war that fought, for TRC to come and wipe away our tears, what MODEL did to us there is no one to wipe our tears beside TRC, what went on, think you heard about Toe I went in the bush to hunt from there as soon as I came Toe had just past with over 40 armed person. Then Marine of MODEL came and stop and told his boys that I be Gen. Toe father. I say no I don't know him he say your torture him they tied me and put cutlass on the fire and stick it on me on my side and my back he was still beating me that I should produce Toe I say I didn't see Toe when he saw the mark he say they should stop with all the beating marks on me when he saw the blood coming down on me then he told his boys to release me. Let the wound cure, the soul [wound] cure but the beating, the pain still in my body, you that reminded me as a father I must tell you what all that happened to me with all my women clothes they looted all that all gone from us this is all what I know and that what I am telling your.
Questions form commissioner
Have you ever gone to hospital?
Primary Witness: I can't go to hospital, we do country things
Is the pain physical or in your body?
Primary Witness: In my body in my back
What year all of these happened?
Primary Witness: 2003
What faction marine was in?
Primary Witness: MODEL
Marine has any other name?
Primary Witness: That the only name that I know
Commissioner Syllah: why do you think that the people came to you that you are the father of Gen Toe?
Primary Witness: No nothing, maybe they were thinking say the same town I from that the same town he from so think we are related?
Have you seen Gen. Toe lately?
Primary Witness: Long time I stop seeing him since the war he went to Monrovia.
Can you tell me the relationship between Toe and the community people?
Primary Witness: That individual differences now.
What can be done to ease the pain you are carrying in your heart?
Primary Witness: I tell your thank you, the pain on my back it still hurting me my being I put all my confidence in your
Commissioner Washington: Is Gen. Toe your son or they just lie on you?
Primary Witness: That's not my own son.
You have any relations with him?
Primary Witness: Yes we all live in the same town
It is because of this relationship with Gen. Toe that they were beating him up?
Primary Witness: Even the cattle of Toe they kill is not any other thing is because of this same town business.
Commissioner Stewart: if your see marine you will recognize him?
Primary Witness: Yes
Did they do any thing to any other person in the town?
Primary Witness: I don't see it, the one that I say it was not marine himself that one of his soldier who maltreated people there.
Do you remember his name?
Primary Witness: I have forgotten his name of these children will call his name.
How long they still in the town?
Primary Witness: They were basing in Wazza, Sass town.
Did they burn any house in the town?
Primary Witness: No
They tabay any body?
Primary Witness: No
They kill any body?
Primary Witness: No
They force people to join them?
Primary Witness: No, only the cattle he kill all
He forced any young girl to carry them?
Primary Witness: No
He forced any one to carry load?
Primary Witness: The boys from the town they recruited those were they one they give the loads to carry.
Primary Witness: Last word: I tell you thank you I don't have much to say as I said early with all what I am going through I build all my confidence in you.
Twenty-Fifth Primary Witnesses of the TRC Public Hearings in Barclayville Grand Kru County Emmanuel Quanteh Sebo (Sixth Primary Witness of day three)
The Sixth Primary Witness of the day was called to the stand and he was accompanied by the psychosocial officer and the protections officer of the TRC. The Primary Witness was then sworn to tell the truth and nothing but the truth by the TRC Hearings Officer.
Chairman: good afternoon, you are welcome to the TRC to give your statement. The Commissioners and the people of the county are all here to listen to you. What is you name again?
What is your name?
Primary Witness: Emmanuel Q. Sebo
Do you live in Barclayville?
Primary Witness: I live in Cass Town
What is your birth day?
Primary Witness: 1977
What are you doing?
Primary Witness: Farming.
Primary Witness: thank you. The thing that happened I will explain small but not all. 1995 that the time General Toe came in Cass Town, the time he came he called all the chief that your must come on council. When they were going not knowing he had a different plan. When they reach Dalokpo they say oh General Toe who was calling meeting he killing people and they came back and told the town people. They next day he came to our area and he was calling the town people and he was shooting and I jumped in the bush and he catch my brother Anthony Seebo and since that time I never see him. My Papie old and he have only three children. I want to go to school but no help and I stop in 4th grade.
In 1996 Teh Quah people came and we ran in the bush and the man catch my last brother, so that my one there now supporting as father with my four children and my wife. I want to go to school but no support, and I am suffering. That all there, the other one I can't explain because if I do it, it will bring sorrowfulness to me.
Questions from the Commissioners:
Chairman: I thing it will be good for you to say it so that it will move on your mind.
Commissioner Bull: we are sorry; it will take some time for that hurt inside to go away. Even if you don't talk it now, you must talk it to somebody, it will help you and you will get that power to go in front. We can not bring back the dead but we can say sorry for what happened.
Commissioner Washing: I just want to say sorry for what happened to you.
Commissioner Syllah: Sorry for what happened to you.
Commissioner Konneh: we are all sorry. What is the name of the other brother?
Primary Witness: Joseph Sebo
What is your father name?
Primary Witness: John Sebo
Chairman: The Quiah was the only person you can remember?
Primary Witness: Yes
Were there other people that were killed besides you brothers?
Primary Witness: They killed three people.
Is there anything else on your mind that you want to say before you go?
Primary Witness: No I don't have anything to say.
Commissioner Bull: do you know any Doe Kofa Seigbo and Weah Kofa Segbo
Primary Witness: No.
Chairman: We are very sorry for what happened. If you can't tell us some things now, you should tell somebody later, so that your mind will be free.
Twenty-Sixth Primary Witnesses of the TRC Public Hearings in Barclayville Grand Kru County Robert Kieh Kieh (Seventh Primary Witness of day three)
The Seventh Primary Witness of the day was called to the stand and he was accompanied by the psychosocial officer and the protections officer of the TRC. The Primary Witness was then sworn to tell the truth and nothing but the truth by the TRC Hearings Officer.
Chairman: good afternoon, you are welcome to the TRC to give your statement. The Commissioners and the people of the county are all here to listen to you. What is you name again?
What is your name again?
Primary Witness: Robert Kieh Kieh
Where are you from?
Primary Witness: From Sass Town
When were you born?
Primary Witness: 1970, July 24
What do you do for a living?
Primary Witness: I am not on Government salary but I work with the voice of Sass Town as reporter.
Primary Witness: 1990 NPFL was controlling this area Grand Kru County, the first commander that was brought here was David Wanto from Gio town Nimba County, when he came, and he carried on looting. Sass town people were having more cattle then human beings so when he came he brought reinforcement to come and take our cattle and my father was having about 30 cattle with their young babies and 10 goats with their young babies. So one day he was killing one of the cows and my father reach and told him that this cow is for me and from there he started beating my father and he give order and they flogged and he came home and he was drying and I told him to forget about it that it is war. From there then they sent William B Toe as General when Wanto left. William B Toe was with us we were all making friends, from there he called one of the soldiers and he made him commander by the name of Paul Doe, he made him Battle front Commander.
They were in the town for four years, they control Grand Kru County for four years so after that a commotion came between Paul Doe and William B Toe, so William B. Toe was claiming power form Paul Doe, he said he was getting money and gold and he was not reporting to him, that commotion came up and killed innocent people in Cass Town city. From there, because of that really I don't know, LPC came in and I was in the house when they came in, so the NPFL soldiers retreated to Grandcess because they were afraid of the LPC after that LPC came in and destroyed life and properties. They met my mother with two children in the house because she was sick seriously and could not walk and I was trying to survive and help her but because it was very difficult at the time I dad to escape, so they burned the house while my mother and the children were in the house. After that then MODEL came in and they didn't disturb the citizens of Sass town. So this is my experience during the war.
Questions from the Commissioners:
Chairman: thank you very much for coming to share your story with us and please except out sympathy for what happened to you. It is a very terrible lost and nothing can be use to pay back what happened. And we have to assist each other to get over what has happened that is why the TRC was formed. It will help us correct our past and we can share the grieve of the innocent people. The commissioners will now ask you few questions. The first question is what was the different time that the various forces came? The NPFL you said was in 1990. When did the LPC Come?
Primary Witness: LPC enter Sass Town in the year 1996 January.
What about MODEL?
Primary Witness: MODEL entered in 2003.
What was the name of your mother?
Primary Witness: Theresa Kieh
Commissioner Stewart: all of this fighting that went on between William toe and Paul how has it affected the people on both sides?
Primary Witness: I think what I have to say is when Toe was running as a representative he came and appeal to the people of Cass Town to forgive him and I never saw anything going on.
Have anybody apologize for Paul Doe?
Primary Witness: I can't remember
As a journalist have you heard of some things that you can share?
Primary Witness: I don't know about anything.
Are you afraid of any problem?
Primary Witness: I was not around, I was in Monrovia.
What did you hear about Grandcess?
Primary Witness: I heard that the MODEL went there and killed a lot.
Commissioner Bull: what is the name of your father?
Primary Witness: Joseph S. Kiah
When did he serve in the government?
Primary Witness: He served in the 80s
We want to say thank you for the story. We want to know that there are two ways you can talk to us either in secret or in the public and if you don't want the coordinator to know, you can come to us and we will take your story.
Chairman: thank you for coming with this testimony, any thing last to say to the Commission?
Primary Witness: I am appealing to the TRC because of my down heatedness through out this war, I really want the TRC to help me to rebuild a house so that my family and I can be there as one. That is all I have to say.
Twenty-Seventh Primary Witnesses of the TRC Public Hearings in Barclayville Grand Kru County Annie Nimene (Eighth Primary Witness of day three)
The Eighth Primary Witness of the day was called to the stand and she was accompanied by the psychosocial officer and the protections officer of the TRC. The Primary Witness was then sworn to tell the truth and nothing but the truth by the TRC Hearings Officer.
Chairman: good afternoon, you are welcome to the TRC to give your statement. The Commissioners and the people of the county are all here to listen to you. What is you name again?
Where do you live?
Primary Witness: I live in Cass town
When were you born?
Primary Witness: May 10 1965
What do you do for a living?
Primary Witness: I am a farmer
Primary Witness: The thing what I want tell your that the thing what I see in the 1994 war, the LPC war. One boy they call him Othello Sompon that was my husband brother and he was not soldier yet. They capture his town and he come and say the soldiers coming and he say we must not hide him so the people will not say we hide him. Then later he came to my husband and say they must join the LPC and he na do it. So he went and joined the LPC. Then he came and my own good turned against me and the first person he killed that my mother, then my husband and (witness crying) after he killed my husband then my papie was in the village then he went to the papie and say you conniving because you on NPFL side and he say I cant walk that what and they beat him until he die. From that time my heart can't come down and I am feeling it, that the thing what I know about the war.
Questions from the Commissioners:
Chairman: sorry for what happened, it can hurt; they killed your pa, your husband and your and your ma
Primary Witness: I forget the same Othello man even kill my brother that time when he was going in the bush so that four people they killed from me.
If even that one person they kill, it can hurt, so we want to say sorry for what happen. So the way you tell us now all the Liberian people listening to you and they are also feeling bad. We pray that God will give you the strength and all you said we are recording it and in our report we will mention it. Your people that died I know they are happy today because they are seeing you.
Commissioner Bull: we are sorry for what happened. I know on that day when they killed your people there was no way for you top cry, but today in this hall, many people are crying because of what happened to you. This is why they say we must look at the root cause of the war, what cause brother to kill brother and family to kill family and this we can not do alone.
Where is Othello today?
Primary Witness: He is to our home they called it Government Camp
What is his full name?
Primary Witness: Othello Sumpon
We are going to Sinoe and what you are saying here is been heard by everybody. If you had the opportunity to see him today will be able to see him?
Primary Witness: I have already forgiven him, I forget about it already.
Thank you that we heard you say that you have forgiven him. The people that brought you into this world it is hurtful to lose them, so all of the people that are listening are also with you. God will bless you and bless you children that are with you today. Thank you.
Commissioner Stewart: thank you for coming. Since this thing happened have Othello said sorry?
Primary Witness: The time I went to my home he did not talk to me and I na talk to him.
You said he was your brother in-law and he killed you husband
Primary Witness: Yes
Were they making palava?
Primary Witness: No, he was living with us.
Commissioner Washington: is Othello a blood brother of your husband?
Primary Witness: His mother and my husband mother are from one father and mother.
Is Othello and your husband people together?
That time I was there they were not speaking I na know now.
How old are the children you had with you husband?
Primary Witness: I na know their age, I na go to school.
Are they going to school?
Primary Witness: They are not going to school this few days
Do you know what he is doing now?
Primary Witness: I don't know
Commissioner Dolopei: I want to know the name of your mother and father
Primary Witness: Comfort Chea and Matthew Namene
Why you thing he killed his own brother?
Primary Witness: He came and told his brother to join LPC and he say no so he went and join and he came back.
So he killed his brother because he refused to join?
Primary Witness: Yes
Did they bury them when they died?
Primary Witness: That the bone they put together and they burry.
How many boys and girls you husband had
Primary Witness: Princess, Finish-fine, Comfort, Amos and Joseph Nimley and the last child is Shalo.
Commissioner Syllah: what time you give the children to you husband people?
That 1993 during the MODEL
Commissioner Coleman: thank you for the story and sorry for what happened. you said you give the children to the husband family, why was it necessary?
Primary Witness: Because I am getting marry to a new man and he will not like the idea so I give them to the family.
Was Othello married?
Primary Witness: Yes
Were they the only two children from their parents?
Primary Witness: He had sisters
Commissioner Konneh: madam never mind, what happened to you not every body can stand it. Continue to out your trust in God and continue to be a strong woman. Are you making any preparation incase the grand mother die for the future of the children
Primary Witness: Yes I am trying to do so, but that the hand I na get.
Have you gone there to see them?
Primary Witness: Yes, but since 2004 I was in Monrovia so I na go there.
Are they going to school?
Primary Witness: Yes but the big girl with seven years na want to go to school.
The husband you stay with now, what kind of work is he doing?
Primary Witness: That fisherman
Do you remember whether the two families ever met to discuss the situation?
Primary Witness: The time I was there they were not speaking and I don't know it they are speaking now.
What kind of work is Othello doing?
Primary Witness: He is a farmer.
Is he helping to take care of the children?
Primary Witness: Hew kill the father so he will not like them.
Chairman: thank you and sorry for what happened. Which place do you call GBC?
Primary Witness: That is in Sinoe
So where is your husband from?
Primary Witness: He is from Touzon in Sinoe County.
What is the name of your dead husband?
Primary Witness: Victor Swen.
Is there anything else on your heart that you want to tell us?
Primary Witness: Yes I want your must help me with small money to help my family. I tell your tank you for coming.
Twenty-Eighth Primary Witnesses of the TRC Public Hearings in Barclayville Grand Kru County Mary I. Nagbe (Ninth Primary Witness of day three)
The Ninth Primary Witness of the day was called to the stand and she was accompanied by the psychosocial officer and the protections officer of the TRC. The Primary Witness was then sworn to tell the truth and nothing but the truth by the TRC Hearings Officer. She was accompanied by a translator.
Chairman: good afternoon, you are welcome to the TRC to give your statement. The Commissioners and the people of the county are all here to listen to you. What is you name again? We are happy that you have left all your busy schedule to come and share your experience with. What you are doing here today will help us that the war will not be repeated. So thank you and tell us your
What is you name again?
Primary Witness: My name is Marry Nagbe
Do you live here other place?
Primary Witness: I am from Sass town
What is your age?
Primary Witness: I am 42 years What are you doing for living?
Primary Witness: I am a farmer
Why did you bring the baby with you?
Primary Witness: I brought the baby to tell you the commissioners what have happened to me in the war.
What is the name of your baby?
Primary Witness: Her name is Baby Koffa
Can a girl's name be koffa here?
Primary Witness: Yes, some of our girl children can call Koffa too
So thank you again and turn the whole floor over to you
Primary Witness: Thank you for giving me the microphone. In the year 1995, when General Toe entered Sass town, where I was when they tied my husband and as I asked them why they did that then they told me that if I don't leave the area they will kill me. So we left and started going with my mother. We met another group of soldiers who asked me like this. Where are you going? So I told them that I left my husband behind so couldn't leave my mother again, the lady is too old to go with you. So they tied the old lady and she stay tied for 2 days. She sustained several wounds from the tying and die few days afterwards. They killed all my 4 children. And later I was told that some talked for my husband and he got loosen and so I find my way up to River Gee and my husband joined there. This is the end of my story.
Questions from the Commissioners:
Chairman: Thank you, and sorry for the death of your people. Since that time does any thing happened to you.
Primary Witness: No
The Liberian people are with you and they have heard what have happened, our people die during the war and we don't know how many people died. How old was you mother
Primary Witness: I cannot tell
How old were your children and what are their names? Angee 7 years Tinnneh 5 Gbuyonnoh 4 Wheyounnon Tee 5 month old baby
Commissioner Konneh: We want to say again sorry. You stood by you mother before her death. And also stood firm with your husband until the rebel who tied him threaten, we want to say never mind all the things that happened we want to encourage you to stand and have a prayer for you. Everybody had to born and they have to die, the way they die is what matters your story is one of the things that brought us here.
Which of the soldier groups that tie your husband?
Primary Witness: General Toe Group
Was it the same group that tied your husband?
Primary Witness: Yes
Are you and the husband staying together?
Primary Witness: Yes
Commissioner Coleman: Could you tell me you present family situation since the death of my mother?
Primary Witness: Me and my husband still together
How many children do you have now?
Primary Witness: Presently I have 4 children
Commissioner Syllah: The entire TRC say sorry for what had happened to you. The Testimony you just given confirmed how children suffered in the war. Though they were innocent, we say sorry you hear.
Commissioner Dolopei: Ma sorry for the death of your children and your mother
What is the name of your late mother?
Primary Witness: Her name was Nancy
Sorry for everything
Primary Witness: Thank you
Chairman: we say sorry and please accept our sympathy. You are a strong woman. I want to join the commissioners to say sorry. Now the testimony is over do you have any other things to say to us?
Primary Witness: I have anything to say, but to say thank you to the TRC.
Chairman: Thank you chairman for coming.
Twenty-Ninth Primary Witnesses of the TRC Public Hearings in Barclayville Grand Kru County Sylvester S. Nimene (Tenth Primary Witness of day three)
The Tenth Primary Witness of the day was called to the stand and he was accompanied by the psychosocial officer and the protections officer of the TRC. The Primary Witness was then sworn to tell the truth and nothing but the truth by the TRC Hearings Officer.
Chairman: good afternoon, you are welcome to the TRC to give your statement. The Commissioners and the people of the county are all here to listen to you. What is you name again?
Where do you live?
Primary Witness: I live in Sass town
When were you born?
Primary Witness: 1973 January 7
What are you doing for a living?
Primary Witness: I work with the ministry of health as administrative clerk
Primary Witness: It was 1995 January 6 when force of the then General B Toe came to Sass town. During that time I was mad handle we were many. I was beaten and I sustained injuries from that. I even bled for one week, my single barrel gun and a sewing machine was taken from me. In the same 1995 Dec. 22 LPC invaded Sass town and the house I was in was burned down. At this time I don't have any house and I have eleven children and I can't help them.
Questions from the Commissioners:
The house that was burnt was it your house?
Primary Witness: Yes
So where are you living with the children?
Primary Witness: We are living in the sister's convent
Are the mothers living with you?
Primary Witness: Yes
We are very sorry for what you went through and we say sorry for what went on. We are the one that can assist country as such we that you for coming. At this stage the commissioner will ask few questions.
Commissioner Konneh: thank God that you survived and you are telling the story. Every thing in life is the will of God. You only talked about 1995 and the war started 1990, so what happened to you before that time to you from various factions.
Primary Witness: Thank you very much, 1990 was the time the war started and at that time the data was not given to me, so what happened to me is what I am telling you.
Religion tells us that we should love one another and Liberia is one country. As such we should join together in making the records straight, so if even you know anything beyond 1979, you have to tell us so that we can have a comprehensive report. If we can't record what happened yesterday, we can not put in place what the situation of today that is why I am asking this question. So if there is anything you can share with us.
Primary Witness: During the time of the war I was not working with the health centre and during the war the health centre was not operating so I can not say anything about the wounded soldiers.
Commissioner Coleman: can you reflect how life was in the town when Doe was in the Town?
Primary Witness: During the time of Doe our town was good and the roads were good and cars were coming in but it is not like that again.
How did the people fell when the NPFL came first?
Primary Witness: We felt fine because they said they were freedom fighters.
Did you need to be free from any harm?
Primary Witness: You know the human mind is not hard to fool, so when they came and said there was a problem and they are here to help we had to follow them.
Did you have all of the 11 children with your one wife?
Primary Witness: I have three wives.
Commissioner Stewart: from what I see it looks like Sass town is the only place in Grand Kru where people are talking about what about other areas?
Primary Witness: Well that is where I was and what I experience is what I am telling you.
What about what you heard?
Primary Witness: I did not know about other places and I can not say anything.
Commissioner Bull: you said you had a house with six bed rooms and you were 22 years then can you tell us how you got that?
Primary Witness: My father left the materials of the house with me and I build the house.
Do you have brothers?
Primary Witness: I have many that I can not count.
What is your religious background?
Primary Witness: I am a catholic Christian.
Chairman: thank you Sylvester for coming to share your story with the Commission. We are sorry for what happened to you and regret that you were an innocent citizen who was affected by the war. We now have to find solution to our problem for what we went through is not an easy as such we are happy that you have come forward to make a contribution. Is there any thing last that you have to say?
Primary Witness: I don't have much to say but to thank the TRC for coming and that you are a organization that will bring peace to the country and will help people.
Thirtieth Primary Witnesses of the TRC Public Hearings in Barclayville Grand Kru County Felicia Gray (Eleventh Primary Witness of day three)
The Eleventh Primary Witness of the day was called to the stand and she was accompanied by the psychosocial officer and the protections officer of the TRC. The Primary Witness was then sworn to tell the truth and nothing but the truth by the TRC Hearings Officer.
Chairman: good afternoon, you are welcome to the TRC to give your statement. The Commissioners and the people of the county are all here to listen to you. What is you name again?
During the model war time we were running in the bush and the people were running and there was no food to eat and that time I was having my first born and they call her Miatta toe and she die. Then the people call us in the town and I come back in the town and the people take my mattress that it hurt me. So they way your come I tell your thank you, that your come fix the trouble what we get you gust like the big brother so we looking up to you.
Questions from the Commissioners:
Chairman: thank you for telling and sorry for the baby. The thing what you talk about TRC the true, nobody can do anything to us and we are here for everybody.
When did it happen?
Primary Witness: That was 2000 the MODEL
How they run behind you?
Primary Witness: My people that war, when the people come then your run and when they come again your run to another area. That is how it is.
You know any of the MODEL big man name?
Primary Witness: No.
Commissioner Bull: you and the baby pa still together?
Primary Witness: Yes
You na get new mattress?
Primary Witness: No
I will give you one mattress today you hear
Primary Witness: Thank you oh.
The mattress had nothing to do with the TRC you hear.
Primary Witness: Okay, thank you aunty.
Commissioner Stewart: how long did you stay in the bush?
Primary Witness: Five months
How long did it take for the baby to die?
Primary Witness: Three months
Were you in the bush with other people?
Primary Witness: Yes we were plenty people there.
So who call your in the town?
Primary Witness: That the soldiers call us back
They do bad things to your?
Primary Witness: Yes, they beat us they tie us and they take my mattress.
Commissioner Washington: I am so sorry for what happened to you and happy that you will get your mattress back. So you should be happy for that, you are still very young and there many good things that will happened in your life. What my colleague said TRC is not giving people things but we are human beings so we can help so we thank Commissioner Bull for helping you.
Commissioner Syllah: sorry for what happened to you and the lost of the child.
Commissioner Coleman: can you tell me about your father and your mother?
Primary Witness: My mother is here but my father is not living.
Did he die from the war?
Primary Witness: No he na die from the war.
Do you have brother and sisters?
Primary Witness: I have one brother and six sisters.
What is the name of the baby pa?
Primary Witness: He is Toe
Are you married to him?
Primary Witness: No we are loving.
You must tell him that one of the Commissioners say you must marry me because we coming start a new life with our new baby and the new mattress.
Chairman: We want to say sorry for the death of your child and the looting of your things. Is there anything on your mind that you want to say?
Primary Witness: You're the TRC I want your to help us with food stuff, cloths and some of us we want to go back to school now so your must help us so we can go back to school.
Thank you, we will tell the government all you have said.
Thirty-First Primary Witnesses of the TRC Public Hearings in Barclayville Grand Kru County Elizabeth Forgbeh Bedell (Twelfth Primary Witness of day three)
The Twelfth Primary Witness of the day was called to the stand and he was accompanied by the psychosocial officer and the protections officer of the TRC. The Primary Witness was then sworn to tell the truth and nothing but the truth by the TRC Hearings Officer.
Chairman: good afternoon, you are welcome to the TRC to give your statement. The Commissioners and the people of the county are all here to listen to you. What is you name again?
Where do you live?
Primary Witness: I live in Sass Town.
Where were you born?
Primary Witness: I was born June 19, 1981.
What are you doing presently?
Primary Witness: I am not doing anything now.
Primary Witness: I saw the first war that was in 1994.After the ceased fire, after Charles Taylor war. They sent my uncle as superintendent in Grand Kru, Moses Bedell. Where they sent him they said Charles Taylor should not give him solders because you said you do not want soldiers to guard you, so from there after when he reached Barclayville, after one month he said he was going Kanweaken. So he was going, Samuel Julu soldiers met him on the road. They said are you a security man to stand here. And you said you don't want soldier to guard you why you standing here? From there they said you will go back to your own town. He said that I was going to visit the other area there. So go back. They reached in front the house he was in rope. When he reached there, every one of us were there. I was sitting in front the house. By the time they reached my uncle there. They entered the house. My Grand mother started crying, they use the gun butt on her chest. She sat down. They start firing in the house. You see gun firing so open the windows them. From there they put everyone of us on the sun. They said we much sit down on the sun. They said that the Superintendent people here? They said that you are stay here and he don't want for soldier to guard him, so what all your get here? My ma started crying. And so the town people say if your get any thing here your bring it. So everybody surrounded the house. He was still in the rope. And they say if he can?t bring something, he will be in rope. So my ma send for the sheep that she was having. Then one Fullah man give my ma goat and one bag of rice now when the town people cook for them .They got through eating now they said ok, now we will carry him, we will not leave him here. Only the family, we will leave them here, but we will carry Moses Doe, we will not leave him here. He said he didn't want soldier, we will carry him. They we carrying my uncle, they can't reached Oh; they stop him on the highway. They came back. he was there, he was there, after the sore getting rotten. General Toe soldier reached there again. They said plenty days we will disgrace him and he said that he don't want soldiers. And he was old soldier man and he said he don't want soldier, we will disgrace him everyday. General Toe soldier beat my uncle, naked him just the way his mother born him. That's how he was looking. Everybody was crying they said we are here for your business. They beat my uncle when they were going back Grandcess they took my uncle with him.
So after 94 war that what I saw, through all the war the man was with him. He couldn't free him. When they bring him after one week after one month, they come for him again....he was in their hand until the entire war 1995. He was in their hand when they carry him in Grandcess they jail him, in Pigneyess they jail him bring him sass town they jail him that all he was on until the tribal war was coming 1994. On that side we can't hear from him. Some say they killed him or he gone Monrovia, so when me and my go in Monrovia, I say ma, let uncle down there oh. At the time his whole hand right here was rotten. So that right here the rope was eeh, you see his whole body was setting with pause and you can see pause coming. You can't make him up good. So I tell my grand mother say I am not going down there again, that the same soldier people. Then my ma said nothing at all we can do.
1995 during the tribal war now, General Toe and Paul Doe between them was the one I saw. The time the war started my sister and I was washing at the creek. We were washing General Toe and Paul Doe. That time General Toe soldier were the first to enter there the way the road divided in the town was the way that how he share his soldier them. So my sister I were to the creek washing. We were creeping then I saw the soldiers I say oh, then we were thinking say that LPC, but it was not LPC, at that time LPC was still in Nyroo. That time LPC don't reached that far yet. So my sister and I started running so they start running behind us. While we were running the other boy know me and say please stand, and started calling my name. When you not stand I will fire you. Then one boy among them say no. don't fire the girl. The papay not release order yet so don't fire her. That how we went, we ran to my aunty place, ma Temoh. I went to the old ma place, while I ready to go, I tell the old ma, plenty soldiers in the town oh, I know one boy among them, they called the boy Seeaye. I call the boy name, my aunty say oh Seeaye where in Grand Cess?, I say yes. We were there, we were there we were sitting down, so I wanted to go to my ma. I was getting on the street, between my aunty house, I saw some soldiers.
The main street that came from Goodobu, the other group pass the place the white people were living, the other group pass on the beach way, so then from there they were four group. When they enter, you know Sass town own, they divide the town by group they get Julubo and so when they entered I saw the people I say then they soldier enter people houses and they firing oh. My aunty said then come back. Then she went and gave me dress I wore the dress. We were there, while were going again we saw one boy from Sass town; he said old ma I know you too good, but it will not be easy in town here. So you much find place to go. Your much not get on the street, it will not be easy. So I say aunty, how will see my ma now. I want go to my ma. She say she say you hear the people talking wait. So from there, General Toe soldier they pass they went to the grave yard way. While they were to the grave yard now, I start hearing firing; they started firing in the town. I say I not see ma yet but the people firing oh. How we will manage, she say wait, I go look outside.
They said every body must go, nobody much not be around here, everybody much go, nobody much not be in Fedehcrek here. You leave Fedehcrek that war zone. We started crying, I go look no I see my grand mother we went to the administrative building. We were there while were going, they killed one boy they called the boy Omees, the boy from Swen. They take the boy from behind us then they went they killed the boy. Right in our present they killed the boy. Behind the administration building they went they lay him right in the creek .while everybody was there sharing tears, while we were thirsty to drink, they said that we much drink, the same place they put the boy eh, that the place they take water. And I say am not drinking. While we were there stay stay, Then General Toe say, now as I am talking, all the men them was in rope, all the men that they catch was in rope. So there, he say, General Toe called one man the man name Fallah Seaye, the man in Jueh right now. Fallah Seaye, you know among the people here? You much called them so they will fight Paul Doe so will go for you son if not I will kill all of them that in rope. Then they went as General Toe because the time the soldiers enter, they don't know the difference between the people. So they went and tied some boys them from the other side where General Toe coming from. Tied the boys every body was there he say the five boys that here, everybody was vest. Your loosen them from in rope they went and they loosen them. The other group that from Fedehcrek was in rope, all of us were there. At the time the town was pack with displace, plenty people from nerol and Greenville were in the town. So he said that the displaced must get on one side. So they put displace one side. They say all the people that came from Fedehcrek must get on one side. The gebu people must get on one side. They started sharing us, then they say that General Toe say, the people that in Gebu Town must find place to go. And the people in Fedehcrek if they release us eh, I think that nobody will not move from among you here. Everybody was there that time, Fallah Siah went and called my mother. He say Juah Wreh, my ma answer, my ma, say find people that will go slowly behind you go to find people to go weebo to go call Paul Doe. My ma started crying. My ma crying, crying I look around, I can't see nobody here to go. All the men them in rope and the only young woman that I can see, Oretha she is in rope. That was the only woman that was among the people she in rope.
Then who else I will call?. My ma checked check she started. My ma sharing tears from there she called her friend among the people they called the woman Annie. She went she called her friend. She told her friend she say, let's go, let's go Wesloy. That is how General Toe them, they send my mother. They my mother must go to call Paul Doe they say that if Paul Doe not come they will kill everybody here. My ma go, my ma say after she go now she not meet Paul Doe there, that how we there. I go look they say Paul Doe come from up interior way up Barcus farm that was Sass town not far then when she was coming with the Zoe pappy, while they coming bringing singing that time Paul Doe was still to the administrative building.
Then General Toe release order telling the people that your go and set ambush for the group that coming up interior way to kill Paul Doe so your set ambush. So they start setting ambush. From the bridge, they reached directly to Judubo and soken between there. They set ambush until they reached the intersection that going Fedehcrek. While we there, we were still in the town, we were still with them they were still cursing firing around. The singing was entering in the town, from there General Toe say, now as I talking, all the people that come from Fedehcrek. Your find, you must go Fedehcrek, non of your cross oh from Fedehcrek. So that, so he give us soldiers to carry us. They carry us so that how they tie each of them. Each of them with their hand tied behind them. Then we the children them followed behind them. So I look back for my ma, I don't see my ma at the time she not come with the people that was in rope. She said we should be there if the people that going if they reach, so she and her friend, they remain there. As soon as they reached there, General say your go, when they saw us around, they started crying. We were reaching on the bridge. General Toe release order they started firing, since they were firing they send all of us to go Zoebush. So at that time we left and go Zulubo, while we were in Zulubo now, after the fighting, they stopped, Paul Doe group men, most of them die. They ready they tell us and say you come to see those people them where die. You come go see, where were backing you, your come go see them. Pushing us to go see the people, you come go see the people them. We say we won't
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